"Carbs make you fat."

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Have you ever had this thought and been fearful of eating carbs, thinking they’ll make you gain weight? I know I’ve been there at one point in my life! 🙋🏻‍♀️⁣

🥔 Carbs have gotten a bad rap over the years but you don’t have to be scared anymore. Carbs are not the enemy. And there is no one macronutrient or food group alone that will inherently make you gain weight.⁣

🤔 Do you know what will? ⁣

👉🏽 Eating more calories than what your body needs.⁣

🍚 So if you’re trying to lose weight, you enjoy carbs and your body tolerates them well, why deprive yourself? You don’t have to cut them out completely, but instead maybe scale back on your portion sizes, like maybe 1 piece of bread instead of 2. Or try filling up on more quality carb sources, like veggies, beans and whole grains, so there’s less room for the not-as-great choices. ⁣

🥞 My carb go-to’s include @kodiakcakesprotein pancakes, oatmeal, brown and white rice, sweet potatoes, @daveskillerbread(Organic Seed is my fave 👍🏽), and allllll the fruit and veggies. ⁣

🥑 Oh, and I realize not everyone is like me and loves carbs, and that’s 👌🏽 too. Maybe fats are more up your alley. What works for well for one person might not work the same for another.⁣

✅ Remember, #allcaloriesmatter. And if you’re trying to lose weight, the most important thing is to be in a consistent calorie deficit.⁣

😏 There are, of course, other factors that may help or hinder your progress, which I will talk about in upcoming posts, so stay tuned!

Camille Salazarcarbs