Running to some carbs like...

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Do you remember when low-fat diets were the craze, with fat-free this and low-fat that? Google the nutrition pyramid from the 80’s and you’ll see fats at the tippy top, with “breads, cereals, rice & pasta” at the bottom.⁣

🥑 Then it went the other way with the high-fat, low-carb diets. I remember when I was pregnant with my first daughter and a care provider I visited suggested eating whole eggs, avocados, and using olive oil and pure butter. Eat fat? Like, on purpose?! 😳⁣

🚫Diet culture today seems to be taking it to the extremes, where you cut out or severely limit certain foods and/or food groups. It is one thing to follow a particular diet because of an intolerance (ie. celiac disease) or an ethical


concern (ie. vegetarian and vegan diets). It is another thing to follow it in order to lose some pounds. If you’re not getting the results you want with your current way of eating, I can see how tempting it is to make a drastic change and make it more restrictive.⁣

❌ But more restriction *almost* never works. While you may see some immediate weight loss to start (which is probably mostly water weight), there is a high likelihood of regaining the weight back after you’ve gone back to “normal” eating.⁣

😨 Restricting food groups or demonizing things like carbs can lead to feelings of deprivation and can eventually trigger overeating or bingeing later down the road. Not only that, but you could be cutting out essential nutrients that your body needs in order to function at its best.⁣

👉🏽 So how about this? You don’t have to take your nutrition to the extremes. Instead, consider a more sustainable method that consists of strategic moderation and building optimal eating habits.⁣

What that means is that you can be flexible and still enjoy the foods you love, as long as you are tuning into how much you’re eating, food quality, and adjusting along the way based on your own unique needs and goals. For me that looks like: 🍎🍪🥕🥞🥑🥦🥓🥗🍳🍠🥩🍫.⁣

Most of us will look, feel, and perform our best when we balance a reasonable amount of lean protein, quality carbs, and healthy fats. It is just a matter of fine tuning this so that it works best for ✨YOU✨.

Camille Salazarcarbs